Hi today I'm going to interview Sara Martinez Borralleras. She is a professional image consulting and the creator of Happy Look.
- Were you interested in the fashion world when you were little?
- Yes, I remember that when I went to school, every afternoon I would take my dog for a walk and I went into a clothes shop next to my house with the dog in tow. The shop assistant didn't stop looking at me and then when I got home I told my mother what I had seen and what I wanted to buy.
- I also remember that when I was studying at primary school every time we went on an excursion I couldn't wear the same clothes that I wore on normal class days, so I had to buy new clothes for these special days.
- And finally, when I was little, I liked playing to be a designer. So I forced my sister to be the model and my parents to be the spectators and I created some differents dresses with my bed's sheets and clamps clothespins.
- Which is your favourite piece of clothing?
- I think that it's important to have some different types of clothes. Every piece of clothing is important in its time. But for example, in my wardrobe there are some things which are a must to me, such as jeans, a blazer, a dress that I could combine in different occasions, and of course, a pair of HEEL SHOES!
- What is the use of an image consultant?
- An image consultant is not a superficial work as people think, however, it helps people to look at themselves in the mirror without complexes, helping them to see their full potential, to be accepted and to have much security. That's because we are in a society where the external image is taken into account at all times.
- How did you create Happy Look?
- I had the idea when we had to make the final administration project. We had to create a business and I thought it was interesting to take this work forward to make something that I could carry out. Once I got the qualification I went to talk with the director of Carol Bruguera and I proposed him my idea. I was convinced that I wanted to work with them as an image consultant from the beginning. He liked the idea and together we created this little business called Happy Look.
- I know that when you make an image consultancy you have to know the effect you want to transmit to others. In your case what do you want to transmit?
- It depens on the moment, but the most important for me is to transmit SAFETY! I like the aggressiveness, especially in my personal life, but at work time I combine it with professionalism.
- What do you explain in Tupper Looks? How often do you do it?
- The objective of Tupper Looks is to release Happy Look because image consulting is not something very popular. In my Tupper Looks I explain the new trends and everything related with the image: clothes, make up, nail art, sun glasses, hairstyles, protocol... My objective is that people can understand that the image is very important and that they can take profit of it with my help.
- In our web you can find the Tupper Looks timetable. Every month there is a different one.
- Finally, can you summarize us the new trends and give us a little advice for this winter?
- Of course, this winter we have to buy a piece of clothing with the british printed, a bomber deluxe, something with fur and very tall boots! All these trends are going to invade our shops and wardrobes.