Hi bloggers, how's life? I hope all well! Today I'm going to share the new Carol Bruguera's collection: MIDNIGHT! You can see that I'm the model of these photos, so I have to say that it was a fantastic experience. I hope you like it.
Hola bloggers, como va la vida? Espero que todo bien. Hoy voy a compartir la nueva colección de Carol Bruguera: MIDNIGHT! Como podeis ver soy la modelo de esas fotos, y debo decir que fue una experiencia fantastica. Espero que os guste.
Hola bloggers, com va la vida? Espero que tot bé. Avui compartiré la nova col·lecció de Carol Bruguera: MIDNIGHT! Com podeu veure sóc la model d'aquestes fotos, i he de dir que va ser una experiència fantàstica. Espero que us agradi.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Pockets Bike*
Hi bloggers! How is life? Well, this summer I'm working in a pub named "Les Pockets Bike" in Vic. For this reason I'm going to share some photos about this pub and my differents outfits that I'm going to wear there.
Pockets bike is a concert hall and nightclub. People who frequent the site was eager to dance and have a good time. Offers different spaces where you can enjoy music bar, brasserie dinners, birthday parties, bachelor farewells, terrace parties, college parties, college thursdays...
Brasso, FROM 8:30 pm
Let's see some of these photos!!
Hola Blogers! Como estais? Bien, este verano estoy trabajando en un pub llamado "Las Pockets Bike" en vic. Por esta razón subiré algunas fotos del bar musical y de mis diferentes conjuntos de ropa que llevaré allí.
Las Pockets Bike es una sala de conciertos y discoteca. Las personas que frecuentan el sitio estan ansiosos por bailar y pasar un buen rato. Ofrece diferentes espacios donde se puede disfrutar de bar musical, braseria, fiestas de cumpleaños, despedidas de soltero, fiestas de terraza, fiestas universitarias, los jueves universitarios ...
Todos los días de 18:00
Brasso, DE 20:30
Veamos algunas de estas fotos!!
Hola Blogers! Com esteu? Bé, aquest estiu estic treballant a un bar musical anomenat "Les Pockets Bike" a Vic. Per aquesta raó pujaré algunes fotos d'aquest lloc i dels meus conjunts de roba que portaré allà.
Les Pockets Bike, és una sala de concerts i discoteca. La gent que freqüenta el local hi va amb ganes de ballar i passar una bona estona.
Ofereix diferents espais en els quals es pot disfrutar de Bar musical, braseria, sopars d´empresa, festes d´aniversari, despedides de solter, terrassa per festes, festes universitàries, dijous universitaris...
Anem a veure algunes d'aquestes fotos!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014
"Yo Amo Los Zapatos"
Hi bloggers, today I'm going to share a very interesting spanish web page! There, you will find different types of shoes with some photos and offers. Sometimes there are outfits too! If you like a lot this link, you can download their app in your mobile! I hope you like it!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Hi bloggers, today I'm going to share a very interesting new I have found in www.elle.com.
What do you think? Can an ear piercing imporve your sex life? Let's see it!

Let me back up. In the acupuncture world, ears are speckled with many potentially therapeutic points. The genitalia are found on the antihelix, an often-ignored nook near the temple, and the prettiest spot for a tiny gold ring. “There are hundreds of acupuncture points in the ear that address a variety of problems,” says herbalist and acupuncturist Jill Blakeway, founder of The YinOva Center in New York City.
While a piercing itself won’t disrupt or over-stimulate the acupuncture zone, jewelry can act as a reminder of where a specific point is located. So perhaps it’s no coincidence that piercing the tragus—the hunger point—is popular among runway regulars. According to Blakeway, rubbing the external-ear nub can work as an appetite suppressant. Similarly, “If you play with the EG ring, you should feel a little frisky,” Blakeway says.

The ear as an aesthetic (and erotic) focal point is nothing new. In Haruki Murakami’s A Wild Sheep Chase, the unnamed protagonist's love interest is an ear model, and when she pulls her hair up, the world basically stops: "I swallowed my breath and gazed at her, transfixed. My mouth went dry. From no part of me could I summon a voice. For an instant, the white plaster wall seemed to ripple. The voices of the other diners and the clinking of their dinnerware grew faint, then once again returned to normal. I heard the sound of waves, recalled the scent of a long-forgotten evening. Yet all this was but a mere fragment of the sensations passing through me in those few hundredths of a second."
So what does a take-your-breath-away kind of ear look like? In a word: adorned, according to Diana Vreeland, who wore big earrings and blush to enhance her ears.
Intrigued and inspired, the ELLE beauty team enlisted Blakeway to help us find our most therapeutic—and prettiest—ear piercings. On a recent Friday afternoon, we headed to New York Adorned to visit piercer and friend, J. Colby Smith. The needle artist takes a customized approach to hole placement, studying each subject’s ear to find the prettiest points for jewelry, the perfect complement to Blakeway’s expertise.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
A tematic outfit!
Hi bloggers, this week I'm going to talk about a tematic outfit. With this, you will show a very natural image. In this case, if you want to use this type of clothing to go to school or during the weekend, you can wear this garments without the cowboy hat. On the other hand, if you want to be different and remarked or if you want to use these garments to make a photos session or something like this, you can wear the cowboy hat.
As you can see in these photos, I'm wearing jeans with a flowered pattern, a plaid shirt with a fur vest on it and brown tall boots. These garments are combined with some wooden bracelets and of course with a bold cowboy hat. You can find this type of clothing in Inditex stores, specially in Bershka and Vives Shoes.

It is very important to wear a natural make up too. You can mark your eyes form in black, wear blush and paint your lips with a pink lipstick.
Finally, I want to say that as you can see in the different pictures, You can combine the garments and change the outfit with only a trench cape on it.
I think that this piece of cloting is very useful. It makes us keep warm and at the same time we are taking part and wearing the latest trends.
My Valoration: 7
What I like: I think that this outfit is very special and natural. I like it, but for me, wearing a cowboy hat it's too bold. I think that It is a good option for going to school or to wear it during the weekend.
What I don't like: I think that it would be difficult for me to find the moment to wear a cowboy hat. I would wear the outfit without this complement.
Friday, April 11, 2014
An elegant outfit!
Hi bloggers, this week I'm going to talk about an elegant outfit. This type of clothing is ideal for going out at night or to attend an important event. With this outfit you will show a very formal image. In this case it's important to remark the hairstyle and the jewellery.
As you can see in the photo I'm wearing a black dress with a green blazer on it. These garments are combined with some jewells: a big and attractive necklace, a big silver bracelet and a handbag. To show a more formal appearence it's important to wear heel shoes. You can find this type of clothing in Inditex stores, specially in Bershka and Vives Shoes.
On the other hand, it's important to wear a very original hairstyle. In my opinion, if you want to show professionalism the best option is wearing your hair updo.
As you can see in the photo I'm wearing a black dress with a green blazer on it. These garments are combined with some jewells: a big and attractive necklace, a big silver bracelet and a handbag. To show a more formal appearence it's important to wear heel shoes. You can find this type of clothing in Inditex stores, specially in Bershka and Vives Shoes.
On the other hand, it's important to wear a very original hairstyle. In my opinion, if you want to show professionalism the best option is wearing your hair updo.
Finally I have to explain the make up. In this case it is very important to wear a natural make up. You can mark your eyes form in black and paint your lips with a pink lipstick for example.
My Valoration: 5
What I like: I think that this outfit is very special and elegant. I like it, but for me it's too formal. It is a good option for taking part in a formal event. If you are wearing this outfit I'm sure that you will show professionalism.
What I don't like: In this case, this outfit is very elegant and formal. I think that it would be difficult for me to find the moment to wear this type of clothing.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Summer Dress Tutorial
Hi bloggers, today I'm going to share a very interesting video! If you want to update your clothing and your style, you can create your own garments. Here you can see this video with which you will be able to get new ideas. If you like it, Coolirpa has a youtube channel where you can find some dressing tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/coolirpa
Let's see this summer dress tutorial!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Do you want to triumph?
Hi bloggers, this week I'm going to talk about a rebel outfit. This type of clothing is ideal for going out at night and to show a sexy and mysterious image. With these garments we can show this appearance because of the colours (black and red), the hairstyle, the make up and specially the stockings pattern.
On the other hand, in this case it is important the hairstyle, which consists in curling the hair and put it up with a side tail.
Finally I have to explain the make up. In this case it is very important because it helps to show a suggestive image. It's very simple, you only have to paint your lips with a powerful red lipstick and you have to mark your eyes form in black.
My Valoration: 9
What I like: I think that this outfit is very special and mysterious. I like it a lot and for me it is the best option to go to the disco or to go out at nigth. If you are wearing this outfit I'm sure that you will clean someone out. Dare to be different!
What I don't like: In this case I can't say too many negative thinks about this outfit. For me it is very special. I know that some people can believe that it is very provocative and sensual! It's true, but if you know when you can wear it and when it's better to save these clothing in the wardrove, you will triumph!
Friday, March 28, 2014
Revlon Professional Style Masters has created a platform that gives hairdressers the chance to express themselves as artists and showcase their most creative work. The Style Master philosophy is the creation of a collection based on the 1 cut, 3 looks concept. The award-winning works will be presented during the Contest’s grand gala, which will take place in a European capital.
Moon Collection from Carol Bruguera on Vimeo.
To keep up-to-date with everything related to The Style Master 2014 International Contest y
ou can register from 2 September 2013
All looks have to be done to the same model with always the same haircut, using at least two Style Masters products.
Permitted: support to create looks with accessories (cushions, bobby pins, etc.)
Not permitted: adding any type of natural or artificial hair, neither as accessory nor as extensions.
Photographs must be in black and white and taken in interior locations against a plain background.
You may use: photoshop for minor touch ups that have no influence on the looks (construction of the look, etc.)
Login with the username and password you received in the registration email. Upload your photos (72 dpi jpg/jpeg format and up to 3Mb) and state what Revlon Professional Style Masters products you used to create the 3 looks and describe your technique.
Your work must not have been previously published nor used in any other competition. Each contestant may
submit one set of 3 photos per edition of the contest.
To participate, the stylist, photographer and model must sign the agreement to transfer image rights. We recommend you to have the documents signed on the day of the photo shoot.
Here I will show you the photos of Carol Bruguera that participated in the Styles Master contest 2013.

This year I took part as a model and I will upload my photos as soon as possible.
See you soon bloggers!
Friday, March 21, 2014
A fresh and summery outfit
Hi bloggers, this week I'm going to talk about a fresh and summery outfit.
The spring begins this weekend and all the stores have already prepared the season.
This is the second outfit I suggest. As you can see in the photo I'm wearing a long, brown and squared skirt and a black jumper. So it's a simple outfit. Then, to garnish it I use some complements. In this case, a long necklace with a big jewell, some bracelets and a black belt. You can find them in Inditex stores.
The spring begins this weekend and all the stores have already prepared the season.
This is the second outfit I suggest. As you can see in the photo I'm wearing a long, brown and squared skirt and a black jumper. So it's a simple outfit. Then, to garnish it I use some complements. In this case, a long necklace with a big jewell, some bracelets and a black belt. You can find them in Inditex stores.
My Valoration: 6
What I like: I think that this outfit is very fresh and summery. I like it and it's true that long skirts are the new trend of the summer. This year you will see many girls wearing this garment!
What I don't like: I have to say that i don't like this style a lot. I prefer trousers, shorts because they are more comfortable and in case I have to wear a skirt or a dress I'd rather wear a shorter one. I think that this outfit is ideal to wear during your holiday in the beach.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
La Plana View
Hi bloggers, during the course, in our advanced english subject we have done these blogs where you can find some videos and news about the topic.
- Kenny Mark's blog - http://markcoffiekenneth.blogspot.com.es/
- Fashion victim - http://fashionvictimtrends.blogspot.com.es/
- Culture Vulture - http://cinemaisculture.blogspot.com.es/
- A weekend with... - http://vicnightlife.blogspot.com.es/
- Anime & Manga - http://soundmusic8.blogspot.com.es/
- Cooking with Clàudia - http://sweetaste1.blogspot.com.es/
- Sports are life - http://sportimeislife.blogspot.com.es/
Our teacher has presented these projects to an audiovisual contest. If you want to see it you can click to this link: http://classede2on.wix.com/ laplanaview1
This project is named La Plana View which is an online channel where you can find different programs recorded by us. There are some different topics: fashion, sports, leisure, culture, anime and manga and cooking. We hope you like it!
Friday, March 14, 2014
A simple and natural outfit
Hi bloggers, today I'm going to start a new section of my blog. Everyweek I will take a photo of my outfits and I will describe the clothes I'm wearing. I will also say where you could find the garments and I will make a valoration.
This is the first outfit I suggest. As you can see in the photo I'm wearing a beige jumper with a denim jaket on it, leather leggings and the most modern shoes, heel trainers. Then, to garnish these simple garments and to show a better look, I use some complements. In this case, a military scarf and a military bag. I have to say that it's important the way you wear the garments and you have to personalize and use your own style.
You can find them in Inditex stores. In this case, the denim jacket and the leather leggings are from Bershka; the beige jumper, the military scarf and the military bag are from Stradivarius and finally these heel shoes are from Vives.
My Valoration: 9
What I like: I think that this outfit is very natural. I like it very much because it transmits my personality. I think that you can wear these garments in your daily routine and in a special event too.
What I don't like: I can't say too many negative things. I like this style a lot but I think that maybe it is very formal or well-dressed to go to school. What you can do too, is changing the heel trainers to boots or to another type of shoes to show a more informal appearance.
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